Emerging Sounds Through Implicit Cooperation: A Novel Model for Dynamic Music Generation


  • Mário Escarce Junior Lancaster University
  • Georgia Rossmann Martins Phersu Interactive
  • Leandro Soriano Marcolino Lancaster University
  • Yuri Tavares dos Passos Universidade Federal do Reconcavo da Bahia




Multi Agent Systems, Implicit Cooperation, Procedural Content Generation, Game Design, Sound Design, Level Design, Soundscape, Art Games, Digital Arts, Artificial Intelligencie


Normally agents cooperate when they have a joint goal or are able to get a higher payoff by doing so. We present a new perspective, where an agent cooperates with another without an explicit intention. We study this perspective in the context of Art Games, by introducing a novel algorithm where a human agent cooperates with a video game system in generating music in an emergent fashion, without needing awareness that he/she is doing so. We present a theoretical analysis of our system, and preliminary experiments with human subjects.




How to Cite

Escarce Junior, M., Rossmann Martins, G., Soriano Marcolino, L., & Tavares dos Passos, Y. (2021). Emerging Sounds Through Implicit Cooperation: A Novel Model for Dynamic Music Generation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 13(1), 186-192. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v13i1.12957