STARDATA: A StarCraft AI Research Dataset


  • Zeming Lin Facebook
  • Jonas Gehring Facebook
  • Vasil Khalidov Facebook
  • Gabriel Synnaeve Facebook



starcraft, dataset, machine learning, reinforcement learning, games


We release a dataset of 65646 StarCraft replays that contains 1535 million frames and 496 million player actions. We provide full game state data along with the original replays that can be viewed in StarCraft. The game state data was recorded every 3 frames which ensures suitability for a wide variety of machine learning tasks such as strategy classification, inverse reinforcement learning, imitation learning, forward modeling, partial information extraction, and others. We use TorchCraft to extract and store the data, which standardizes the data format for both reading from replays and reading directly from the game. Furthermore, the data can be used on different operating systems and platforms. The dataset contains valid, non-corrupted replays only and its quality and diversity was ensured by a number of heuristics. We illustrate the diversity of the data with various statistics and provide examples of tasks that benefit from the dataset.




How to Cite

Lin, Z., Gehring, J., Khalidov, V., & Synnaeve, G. (2021). STARDATA: A StarCraft AI Research Dataset. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 13(1), 50-56.