TRANSIT Routing on Video Game Maps


  • Leonid Antsfeld NICTA and The University of New South Wales
  • Daniel Harabor NICTA and The Australian National University
  • Philip Kilby NICTA and The Australian National University
  • Toby Walsh NICTA and The University of New South Wales



search, pathfinding


TRANSIT is a fast and optimal technique for computing shortest path costs in road networks. It is attractive for its usually modest memory requirements and impressive running times. In this paper we give a first analysis of TRANSIT routing on a set of popular grid-based video-game benchmarks taken from the AI pathfinding literature. We show that in the presence of path symmetries, which are inherent to most grids but normally not road networks, TRANSIT is strongly and negatively impacted, both in terms of performance and memory requirements. We address this problem by developing a new general symmetry breaking technique which adds small random epsilon-values to edges in the search graph, reducing the size of the TRANSIT network by up to 4 times while preserving optimality. Using our enhancements TRANSIT achieves up to four orders of magnitude speed improvement vs. A* search and uses in many cases only a small (<=10MB) or modest (<= 50MB) amount of memory. We also compare TRANSIT with CPDs, a recent and very fast database-driven pathfinding approach. We find the algorithms have complementary strengths but also identify a class of problems for which TRANSIT is up to two orders of magnitude faster than CPDs using a comparable amount of memory.




How to Cite

Antsfeld, L., Harabor, D., Kilby, P., & Walsh, T. (2021). TRANSIT Routing on Video Game Maps. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 8(1), 2-7.