Emotionally Driven Natural Language Generation for Personality Rich Characters in Interactive Games


  • Christina R. Strong Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Manish Mehta Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Kinshuk Mishra Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Alistair Jones Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Ashwin Ram Georgia Institute of Technology




Natural Language Generation for personality rich characters represents one of the important directions for believable agents research. The typical approach to interactive NLG is to hand-author textual responses to different situations. In this paper we address NLG for interactive games. Specifically, we present a novel template-based system that provides two distinct advantages over existing systems. First, our system not only works for dialogue, but enables a character's personality and emotional state to influence the feel of the utterance. Second, our templates are resuable across characters, thus decreasing the burden on the game author. We briefly describe our system and present results of a preliminary evaluation study.




How to Cite

Strong, C., Mehta, M., Mishra, K., Jones, A., & Ram, A. (2021). Emotionally Driven Natural Language Generation for Personality Rich Characters in Interactive Games. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 3(1), 98-100. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v3i1.18796