Otello: A Next-Generation Reputation System For Humans and NPCs


  • Michael Sellers




This paper introduces Online Alchemy’s Otello technology as a way to enable reputational capabilities beyond any found in games or other online social contexts today. This technology allows participants to quickly and easily assess another’s reputation in ways meaningful to them, and enables individuals -- both players and non-player characters (NPCs) -- to contribute to an individual’s reputation in unique and novel ways. Otello also enables new forms of 'relational gameplay' that feature social management, effectively an extension of resource management into the social realm. The player’s actions and opinions affect others, including how they see the player, and how ideas and opinions propagate through a population.




How to Cite

Sellers, M. (2021). Otello: A Next-Generation Reputation System For Humans and NPCs. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 4(1), 149-154. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v4i1.18688