Experience Management with Beliefs, Desires, and Intentions for Virtual Agents


  • Rachelyn Farrell University of New Orleans




narrative planning, experience management, intentional planning, belief, virtual agents


Intelligent interactive narrative systems often use an experience manager to govern the behavior of non-player charactersin a way that guides the story towards its author’s agenda, which may be for entertainment, education, training, or other purposes. For such systems, a central challenge is creating believable virtual characters. The Belief Desire Intention framework is often cited as a goal for researchers in this field; for characters to seem realistic, a human audience should attribute beliefs, desires, and intentions to them. Much of my prior work has focused on belief; my goal for the future is to finish the work on belief, and to implement a new model of desire and intention that explicitly reasons about characters’ commitment to certain plans of action.




How to Cite

Farrell, R. (2018). Experience Management with Beliefs, Desires, and Intentions for Virtual Agents. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 14(1), 290-292. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v14i1.13006