Hide and Sneak: Story Generation with Characters that Perceive and Assume


  • Hans ten Brinke University of Twente
  • Jeroen Linssen University of Twente
  • Mariët Theune University of Twente




story generation, planning, perceptions, assumptions, plot control, autonomous agents


We describe the design of a perception system for the characters in the Virtual Storyteller (VST), a character-centric story generation system. Previously, these characters were omniscient; stories involving sneaking and deception could not be generated. To remedy this, we limited the characters' visual perception using simple rules. We enabled the characters to make assumptions about the story world, so they can plan toward goals in spite of incomplete knowledge. Using the distinction between the character and actor roles of agents in the VST, we can use the assumptions to steer the story plot.




How to Cite

ten Brinke, H., Linssen, J., & Theune, M. (2021). Hide and Sneak: Story Generation with Characters that Perceive and Assume. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 10(1), 174-180. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v10i1.12722