Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2014


  • Nathan Sturtevant University of Denver
  • Jeff Orkin Giant Otter Technologies
  • Robert Zubek SomaSim LLC
  • Michael Cook Goldsmiths, University of London
  • Stephen Ware University of New Orleans
  • Christian Stith Clemson University
  • R. Young North Carolina State University
  • Phillip Wright North Carolina State University
  • Squirrel Eiserloh SMU Guildhall
  • Alejandro Ramirez-Sanabria University of Alberta
  • Vadim Bulitko University of Alberta
  • Kieran Lord Strange Loop Games



AIIDE 2014 is the second AIIDE event that has featured a playable experience track. This paper describes the seven entries that were accepted in the 2014 track, as well as the motivation behind the track and the criteria used to evaluate and accept entries.




How to Cite

Sturtevant, N., Orkin, J., Zubek, R., Cook, M., Ware, S., Stith, C., Young, R., Wright, P., Eiserloh, S., Ramirez-Sanabria, A., Bulitko, V., & Lord, K. (2021). Playable Experiences at AIIDE 2014. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 10(1), 203-210.