Learning a Skill-Teaching Curriculum with Dynamic Bayes Nets


  • Derek T. Green University of Arizona
  • Thomas J. Walsh University of Arizona
  • Paul R. Cohen University of Arizona
  • Yu-Han Chang University of Southern California




We propose an intelligent tutoring system that constructs a curriculum of hints and problems in order to teach a student skills with a rich dependency structure. We provide a template for building a multi-layered Dynamic Bayes Net to model this problem and describe how to learn the parameters of the model from data. Planning with the DBN then produces a teaching policy for the given domain. We test this end-to-end curriculum design system in two human-subject studies in the areas of finite field arithmetic and artificial language and show this method performs on par with hand-tuned expert policies.




How to Cite

Green, D., Walsh, T., Cohen, P., & Chang, Y.-H. (2011). Learning a Skill-Teaching Curriculum with Dynamic Bayes Nets. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 25(2), 1648-1654. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v25i2.18855