Replanning in Advance for Instant Delay Recovery in Multi-Agent Applications: Rerouting Trains in a Railway Hub


  • Issa K. Hanou Delft University of Technology
  • Devin Wild Thomas University of New Hampshire
  • Wheeler Ruml University of New Hampshire
  • Mathijs de Weerdt Delft University of Technology



Train routing is sensitive to delays that occur in the network. When a train is delayed, it is imperative that a new plan be found quickly, or else other trains may need to be stopped to ensure safety, potentially causing cascading delays. In this paper, we consider this class of multi-agent planning problems, which we call Multi-Agent Execution Delay Replanning. We show that these can be solved by reducing the problem to an any-start-time safe interval planning problem. When an agent has an any-start-time plan, it can react to a delay by simply looking up the precomputed plan for the delayed start time. We identify crucial real-world problem characteristics like the agent's speed, size, and safety envelope, and extend the any-start-time planning to account for them. Experimental results on real-world train networks show that any-start-time plans are compact and can be computed in reasonable time while enabling agents to instantly recover a safe plan.




How to Cite

Hanou, I. K., Thomas, D. W., Ruml, W., & de Weerdt, M. (2024). Replanning in Advance for Instant Delay Recovery in Multi-Agent Applications: Rerouting Trains in a Railway Hub. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 34(1), 258-266.