New Optimization Functions for Potential Heuristics


  • Jendrik Seipp University of Basel
  • Florian Pommerening University of Basel
  • Malte Helmert University of Basel



Potential heuristics, recently introduced by Pommerening et al., characterize admissible and consistent heuristics for classical planning as a set of declarative constraints. Every feasible solution for these constraints defines an admissible heuristic, and we can obtain heuristics that optimize certain criteria such as informativeness by specifying suitable objective functions. The original paper only considered one such objective function: maximizing the heuristic value of the initial state. In this paper, we explore objectives that attempt to maximize heuristic estimates for all states (reachable and unreachable), maximize heuristic estimates for a sample of reachable states, maximize the number of detected dead ends, or minimize search effort. We also search for multiple heuristics with complementary strengths that can be combined to obtain even better heuristics.




How to Cite

Seipp, J., Pommerening, F., & Helmert, M. (2015). New Optimization Functions for Potential Heuristics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 25(1), 193-201.