Learning Inadmissible Heuristics During Search


  • Jordan Thayer University of New Hampshire
  • Austin Dionne University of New Hampshire
  • Wheeler Ruml University of New Hampshire




Suboptimal search algorithms offer shorter solving times by sacrificing guaranteed solution optimality. While optimal searchalgorithms like A* and IDA* require admissible heuristics, suboptimalsearch algorithms need not constrain their guidance in this way. Previous work has explored using off-line training to transform admissible heuristics into more effective inadmissible ones. In this paper we demonstrate that this transformation can be performed on-line, during search. In addition to not requiring training instances and extensive pre-computation, an on-line approach allows the learned heuristic to be tailored to a specific problem instance. We evaluate our techniques in four different benchmark domains using both greedy best-first search and bounded suboptimal search. We find that heuristics learned on-line result in both faster search andbetter solutions while relying only on information readily available in any best-first search.




How to Cite

Thayer, J., Dionne, A., & Ruml, W. (2011). Learning Inadmissible Heuristics During Search. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 21(1), 250-257. https://doi.org/10.1609/icaps.v21i1.13474