Semantic Attachments for Domain-Independent Planning Systems


  • Christian Dornhege University of Freiburg
  • Patrick Eyerich University of Freiburg
  • Thomas Keller University of Freiburg
  • Sebastian Trüg University of Freiburg
  • Michael Brenner University of Freiburg
  • Bernhard Nebel University of Freiburg



domain-independent planning, robot planning, semantic attachment


Solving real-world problems using symbolic planning often requires a simplified formulation of the original problem, since certain subproblems cannot be represented at all or only in a way leading to inefficiency. For example, manipulation planning may appear as a subproblem in a robotic planning context or a packing problem can be part of a logistics task. In this paper we propose an extension of PDDL for specifying semantic attachments. This allows the evaluation of grounded predicates as well as the change of fluents by externally specified functions. Furthermore, we describe a general schema of integrating semantic attachments into a forward-chaining planner and report on our experience of adding this extension to the planners FF and Temporal Fast Downward. Finally, we present some preliminary experiments using semantic attachments.




How to Cite

Dornhege, C., Eyerich, P., Keller, T., Trüg, S., Brenner, M., & Nebel, B. (2009). Semantic Attachments for Domain-Independent Planning Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 19(1), 114-121.