Forward Constraint-Based Algorithms for Anytime Planning
Planning , Constraint Programming , Timelines , Forward search , Anytime SearchAbstract
This paper presents a generic anytime forward-search constraint-based algorithm for solving planning problems expressed in the CNT framework (Constraint Network on Timelines). It is generic because it allows many kinds of search to be covered, from complete tree search to greedy search. It is anytime because some parameter settings, together with domain-specific knowledge, allow high quality plans to be produced very quickly and to be further improved. It is forward because it systematically considers the decisions to be made in a chronological order. It is finally constraint-based because it is built on top of the CNT framework which is an extension of the CSP framework able to model discrete event dynamic systems and because it is implemented on top of the Choco constraint programming tool from which it inherits all the constraint handling machinery. Experimental comparisons are made in terms of quality profile with other domain-dependent and domain-independent planners.