Pervasive Model Adaptation: The Integration of Planning and Information Gathering in Dynamic Production Systems


  • Juan Liu PARC
  • Lukas Kuhn PARC
  • Johan de Kleer PARC
  • Rong Zhou PARC



model adaptation, information gathering, planning, best first search


Model-based planning often presumes a static system model, while in a practice physical system may evolve or drift over time. This paper proposes the idea of pervasive model adaptation in a production system, where the model is dynamically updated using observation of production output. The core idea is the interplay between model adaptation and production planning. We seek plans which simultaneously serve the goals of achieving high productivity for production, and information gathering for model adaptation. We use a modular printing example to illustrate issues such as formulation of the information criterion and search strategy for informative plans. The idea of pervasive adaptation can be further extended to improve long term productivity in production systems.




How to Cite

Liu, J., Kuhn, L., de Kleer, J., & Zhou, R. (2009). Pervasive Model Adaptation: The Integration of Planning and Information Gathering in Dynamic Production Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 19(1), 225-232.