Assigning Tasks to Workers by Referring to Their Schedules in Mobile Crowdsourcing


  • Mayumi Hadano NTT Corporation
  • Makoto Nakatsuji NTT Resonant, Inc.
  • Hiroyuki Toda NTT Corporation
  • Yoshimasa Koike NTT Corporation



This paper focuses on task assignments to workers in mobile crowdsoucing systems. The current method does not work so well since it considers only workers who are ready to work at the time of optimization. Our method handles workers' day-long schedules, creates a `time-extended' worker-task graph that expresses the relationships between workers and tasks over a time period and finds the best set of worker-task-time triples. Our evaluation using real world visiting logs shows it increases the rate of assigned tasks by more than 8.2% compared with a state-of-the-art assignment method.




How to Cite

Hadano, M., Nakatsuji, M., Toda, H., & Koike, Y. (2015). Assigning Tasks to Workers by Referring to Their Schedules in Mobile Crowdsourcing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, 3(1), 10-11.