Crowd Access Path Optimization: Diversity Matters


  • Besmira Nushi ETH Zurich
  • Adish Singla ETH Zurich
  • Anja Gruenheid ETH Zurich
  • Erfan Zamanian Brown University
  • Andreas Krause ETH Zurich
  • Donald Kossmann ETH Zurich



crowdsourcng, quality control, access path, optimization


Quality assurance is one the most important challenges in crowdsourcing. Assigning tasks to several workers to increase quality through redundant answers can be expensive if asking homogeneous sources. This limitation has been overlooked by current crowdsourcing platforms resulting therefore in costly solutions. In order to achieve desirable cost-quality tradeoffs it is essential to apply efficient crowd access optimization techniques. Our work argues that optimization needs to be aware of diversity and correlation of information within groups of individuals so that crowdsourcing redundancy can be adequately planned beforehand. Based on this intuitive idea, we introduce the Access Path Model (APM), a novel crowd model that leverages the notion of access paths as an alternative way of retrieving information. APM aggregates answers ensuring high quality and meaningful confidence. Moreover, we devise a greedy optimization algorithm for this model that finds a provably good approximate plan to access the crowd. We evaluate our approach on three crowdsourced datasets that illustrate various aspects of the problem. Our results show that the Access Path Model combined with greedy optimization is cost-efficient and practical to overcome common difficulties in large-scale crowdsourcing like data sparsity and anonymity.




How to Cite

Nushi, B., Singla, A., Gruenheid, A., Zamanian, E., Krause, A., & Kossmann, D. (2015). Crowd Access Path Optimization: Diversity Matters. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing, 3(1), 130-139.