Explainable CLIP-Guided 3D-Scene Generation in an AI Holodeck


  • Atefeh Mahdavi Goloujeh Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Jason Smith Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Brian Magerko Georgia Institute of Technology




3D-Scene Generation, Procedural Content Generation, Explainable AI, Commonsense Knowledge


This paper describes the AI Holodeck, a co-creative software prototype that creates virtual scenes from the user input text, inspired by the fictional Holodeck virtual reality device from the science fiction series Star Trek. This application collects common-sense knowledge from annotated datasets and reference images. It uses this knowledge to populate scenes with objects found in selected environments alongside those explicitly mentioned by the user. We present the system design of the AI Holodeck, and a proposed study to measure the effects of its visualizations on user perceptions of the system's creativity.




How to Cite

Mahdavi Goloujeh, A., Smith, J., & Magerko, B. (2022). Explainable CLIP-Guided 3D-Scene Generation in an AI Holodeck. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 18(1), 276-278. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v18i1.21973