Sequential Pattern Mining in StarCraft: Brood War for Short and Long-Term Goals


  • Michael Leece University of California, Santa Cruz
  • Arnav Jhala University of California, Santa Cruz



Sequential Pattern Mining, Learning from observation, HTN, StarCraft


A wide variety of strategies have been used to create agents in the growing field of real-time strategy AI. However, a frequent problem is the necessity of hand-crafting competencies, which becomes prohibitively difficult in a large space with many corner cases. A preferable approach would be to learn these competencies from the wealth of expert play available. We present a system that uses the Generalized Sequential Pattern (GSP) algorithm from data mining to find common patterns in StarCraft:Brood War replays at both the micro- and macro-level, and verify that these correspond to human understandings of expert play. In the future, we hope to use these patterns to learn tasks and goals in an unsupervised manner for an HTN planner.




How to Cite

Leece, M., & Jhala, A. (2021). Sequential Pattern Mining in StarCraft: Brood War for Short and Long-Term Goals. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 10(2), 8-13.