The Musical Metacreation Weekend: Challenges Arising from the Live Presentation of Musically Metacreative Systems


  • Oliver Bown University of Sydney
  • Arne Eigenfeldt Simon Fraser University
  • Aengus Martin University of Sydney
  • Benjamin Carey University of Technology
  • Philippe Pasquier Simon Fraser University



musical metacreation, live algorithms, evaluation, performance


This paper discusses the approach to curation of the MuMe Weekend (held in Sydney, Australia, 2013) and the experience the authors gained from hosting the event. We identify open challenges arising from this applied demonstration of musically metacreative systems. Identified challenges are not technical, but rather methodological, concerning pragmatic aspects of presenting and collaboratively innovating musically metacreative work. The paper presents our approach to curating the event, the categories of performances offered — and responses to these — issues to do with the selection and presentation of the work, and issues to do with the evaluation by audience and performers.




How to Cite

Bown, O., Eigenfeldt, A., Martin, A., Carey, B., & Pasquier, P. (2021). The Musical Metacreation Weekend: Challenges Arising from the Live Presentation of Musically Metacreative Systems. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 9(5), 27-34.