Learning Director Agent Strategies: An Inductive Framework for Modeling Director Agents


  • Seung Lee North Carolina State University
  • Bradford Mott North Carolina State University
  • James Lester North Carolina State University




Interactive narrative environments offer significant potential for creating engaging narrative experiences that are tailored to individual users. Increasingly, applications in education, training, and entertainment are leveraging narrative to create rich interactive experiences in virtual storyworlds. A key challenge posed by these environments is devising accurate models of director agents’ strategies that determine the most appropriate director action to perform for crafting customized story experiences. A promising approach is developing an empirically informed model of director agents’ decision-making strategies. In this paper, we propose a framework for learning models of director agent decision-making strategies by observing human-human interactions in an interactive narrative-centered learning environment. The results are encouraging and suggest that creating empirically driven models of director agent decision-making is a promising approach to interactive narrative.




How to Cite

Lee, S., Mott, B., & Lester, J. (2011). Learning Director Agent Strategies: An Inductive Framework for Modeling Director Agents. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 7(2), 37-40. https://doi.org/10.1609/aiide.v7i2.12469