The SimpleFPS Planning Domain: A PDDL Benchmark for Proactive NPCs


  • Stavros Vassos National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Michail Papakonstantinou National and Kapodistrian University of Athens



PDDL, Video games, Real-time planning


In this paper we focus on proactive behavior for non-player characters (NPCs) in the first-person shooter (FPS) genre of video games based on goal-oriented planning. Some recent approaches for applying real-time planning in commercial video games show that the existing hardware is starting to follow up on the computing resources needed for such techniques to work well. Nonetheless, it is not clear under which conditions real-time efficiency can be guaranteed. In this paper we give a precise specification of SimpleFPS, a STRIPS planning domain expressed in PDDL that captures some basic planning tasks that may be useful in a first person shooter video game. This is intended to work as a first step towards quantifying the performance of different planning techniques that may be used in real-time to guide the behavior of NPCs. We present a simple tool we developed for generating random planning problem instances in PDDL with user defined properties, and show some preliminary results based on SimpleFPS instances that vary in the size of the domain and two well-known planners from the planning community.




How to Cite

Vassos, S., & Papakonstantinou, M. (2011). The SimpleFPS Planning Domain: A PDDL Benchmark for Proactive NPCs. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 7(2), 92-97.