A Data Complexity Approach to Kernel Selection for Support Vector Machines


  • Roberto Valerio University of Houston
  • Ricardo Vilalta University of Houston




data complexity measures, model selection, kernel methods, support vector machines, polynomial kernel, Gaussian kernel


We describe a data complexity approach to kernel selection based on the behavior of polynomial and Gaussian kernels. Our resultsshow how the use of a Gaussian kernel produces a gram matrix with useful local information that has no equivalent counterpart inpolynomial kernels.By exploiting neighborhood information embedded by data complexity measures, we are able to carry out a form of meta-generalization.Our goal is to predict which data sets are more favorable to particular kernels (Gaussian or polynomial).The end result is a framework to improve the model selection process in Support Vector Machines.




How to Cite

Valerio, R., & Vilalta, R. (2014). A Data Complexity Approach to Kernel Selection for Support Vector Machines. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v28i1.9105