Combining Probabilistic Planning and Logic Programming on Mobile Robots


  • Shiqi Zhang Texas Tech University
  • Forrest Bao Texas Tech University
  • Mohan Sridharan Texas Tech University



Key challenges to widespread deployment of mobile robots to interact with humans in real-world domains include the ability to: (a) robustly represent and revise domain knowledge; (b) autonomously adapt sensing and processing to the task at hand; and (c) learn from unreliable high-level human feedback. Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) have been used to plan sensing and navigation in different application domains. It is however a challenge to include common sense knowledge obtained from sensory or human inputs in POMDPs. In addition, information extracted from sensory and human inputs may have varying levels of relevance to current and future tasks. On the other hand, although a non-monotonic logic programming paradigm such as Answer Set Programming (ASP) is wellsuited for common sense reasoning, it is unable to model the uncertainty in real-world sensing and navigation (Gelfond 2008). This paper presents a hybrid framework that integrates ASP, hierarchical POMDPs (Zhang and Sridharan 2012) and psychophysics principles to address the challenges stated above. Experimental results in simulation and on mobile robots deployed in indoor domains show that the framework results in reliable and efficient operation.




How to Cite

Zhang, S., Bao, F., & Sridharan, M. (2021). Combining Probabilistic Planning and Logic Programming on Mobile Robots. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 26(1), 2461-2462.