No Internal Regret with Non-convex Loss Functions


  • Dravyansh Sharma Carnegie Mellon University



ML: Online Learning & Bandits, SO: Algorithm Configuration


Internal regret is a measure of performance of an online learning algorithm, which measures the change in performance by substituting every occurrence of a given action i by an alternative action j. Algorithms for minimizing internal regret are known for the finite experts setting, including a general reduction to the problem of minimizing external regret for this case. The reduction however crucially depends on the finiteness of the action space. In this work we approach the problem of minimizing internal regret for a continuous action space. For the full information setting, we show how to obtain O(sqrt(T)) internal regret for the class of Lipschitz functions, as well as non-Lipschitz dispersed functions, i.e. the non-Lipschitzness may not concentrate in a small region of the action space. We also consider extensions to partial feedback settings, and again obtain sublinear internal regret. Finally we discuss applications of internal regret minimization over continuous spaces to correlated equilibria in pricing problems and auction design, as well as to data-driven hyperparameter tuning.



How to Cite

Sharma, D. (2024). No Internal Regret with Non-convex Loss Functions. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(13), 14919-14927.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning IV