AnomalyDiffusion: Few-Shot Anomaly Image Generation with Diffusion Model


  • Teng Hu Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Jiangning Zhang Tencent
  • Ran Yi Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Yuzhen Du Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Xu Chen Tencent
  • Liang Liu Tencent
  • Yabiao Wang Tencent
  • Chengjie Wang Shanghai Jiao Tong University Tencent



DMKM: Anomaly/Outlier Detection, CV: Computational Photography, Image & Video Synthesis


Anomaly inspection plays an important role in industrial manufacture. Existing anomaly inspection methods are limited in their performance due to insufficient anomaly data. Although anomaly generation methods have been proposed to augment the anomaly data, they either suffer from poor generation authenticity or inaccurate alignment between the generated anomalies and masks. To address the above problems, we propose AnomalyDiffusion, a novel diffusion-based few-shot anomaly generation model, which utilizes the strong prior information of latent diffusion model learned from large-scale dataset to enhance the generation authenticity under few-shot training data. Firstly, we propose Spatial Anomaly Embedding, which consists of a learnable anomaly embedding and a spatial embedding encoded from an anomaly mask, disentangling the anomaly information into anomaly appearance and location information. Moreover, to improve the alignment between the generated anomalies and the anomaly masks, we introduce a novel Adaptive Attention Re-weighting Mechanism. Based on the disparities between the generated anomaly image and normal sample, it dynamically guides the model to focus more on the areas with less noticeable generated anomalies, enabling generation of accurately-matched anomalous image-mask pairs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in generation authenticity and diversity, and effectively improves the performance of downstream anomaly inspection tasks. The code and data are available in



How to Cite

Hu, T., Zhang, J., Yi, R., Du, Y., Chen, X., Liu, L., Wang, Y., & Wang, C. (2024). AnomalyDiffusion: Few-Shot Anomaly Image Generation with Diffusion Model. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(8), 8526-8534.



AAAI Technical Track on Data Mining & Knowledge Management