Using Symmetries to Lift Satisfiability Checking


  • Pierre Carbonnelle KU Leuven
  • Gottfried Schenner Siemens
  • Maurice Bruynooghe KU Leuven
  • Bart Bogaerts Vrije Universiteit Brussels
  • Marc Denecker KU Leuven



CSO: Satisfiability, CSO: Satisfiability Modulo Theories


We analyze how symmetries can be used to compress structures (also known as interpretations) onto a smaller domain without loss of information. This analysis suggests the possibility to solve satisfiability problems in the compressed domain for better performance. Thus, we propose a 2-step novel method: (i) the sentence to be satisfied is automatically translated into an equisatisfiable sentence over a ``lifted'' vocabulary that allows domain compression; (ii) satisfiability of the lifted sentence is checked by growing the (initially unknown) compressed domain until a satisfying structure is found. The key issue is to ensure that this satisfying structure can always be expanded into an uncompressed structure that satisfies the original sentence to be satisfied. We present an adequate translation for sentences in typed first-order logic extended with aggregates. Our experimental evaluation shows large speedups for generative configuration problems. The method also has applications in the verification of software operating on complex data structures. Our results justify further research in automatic translation of sentences for symmetry reduction.



How to Cite

Carbonnelle, P., Schenner, G., Bruynooghe, M., Bogaerts, B., & Denecker, M. (2024). Using Symmetries to Lift Satisfiability Checking. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(8), 7961-7968.



AAAI Technical Track on Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization