GAMC: An Unsupervised Method for Fake News Detection Using Graph Autoencoder with Masking


  • Shu Yin Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Peican Zhu Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Lianwei Wu Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Chao Gao Northwestern Polytechnical University
  • Zhen Wang Northwestern Polytechnical University



APP: Misinformation & Fake News, APP: Social Networks


With the rise of social media, the spread of fake news has become a significant concern, potentially misleading public perceptions and impacting social stability. Although deep learning methods like CNNs, RNNs, and Transformer-based models like BERT have enhanced fake news detection. However, they primarily focus on content and do not consider social context during news propagation. Graph-based techniques have incorporated the social context but are limited by the need for large labeled datasets. To address these challenges, this paper introduces GAMC, an unsupervised fake news detection technique using the Graph Autoencoder with Masking and Contrastive learning. By leveraging both the context and content of news propagation as self-supervised signals, our method reduces the dependency on labeled datasets. Specifically, GAMC begins by applying data augmentation to the original news propagation graphs. Subsequently, these augmented graphs are encoded using a graph encoder and subsequently reconstructed via a graph decoder. Finally, a composite loss function that encompasses both reconstruction error and contrastive loss is designed. Firstly, it ensures the model can effectively capture the latent features, based on minimizing the discrepancy between reconstructed and original graph representations. Secondly, it aligns the representations of augmented graphs that originate from the same source. Experiments on the real-world dataset validate the effectiveness of our method.



How to Cite

Yin, S., Zhu, P., Wu, L., Gao, C., & Wang, Z. (2024). GAMC: An Unsupervised Method for Fake News Detection Using Graph Autoencoder with Masking. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(1), 347-355.



AAAI Technical Track on Application Domains