Revisiting Item Promotion in GNN-Based Collaborative Filtering: A Masked Targeted Topological Attack Perspective


  • Yongwei Wang Nanyang Technological University
  • Yong Liu Nanyang Technological University
  • Zhiqi Shen Nanyang Technological University





Graph neural networks (GNN) based collaborative filtering (CF) has attracted increasing attention in e-commerce and financial marketing platforms. However, there still lack efforts to evaluate the robustness of such CF systems in deployment. Fundamentally different from existing attacks, this work revisits the item promotion task and reformulates it from a targeted topological attack perspective for the first time. Specifically, we first develop a targeted attack formulation to maximally increase a target item's popularity. We then leverage gradient-based optimizations to find a solution. However, we observe the gradient estimates often appear noisy due to the discrete nature of a graph, which leads to a degradation of attack ability. To resolve noisy gradient effects, we then propose a masked attack objective that can remarkably enhance the topological attack ability. Furthermore, we design a computationally efficient approach to the proposed attack, thus making it feasible to evaluate large-large CF systems. Experiments on two real-world datasets show the effectiveness of our attack in analyzing the robustness of GNN-based CF more practically.




How to Cite

Wang, Y., Liu, Y., & Shen, Z. (2023). Revisiting Item Promotion in GNN-Based Collaborative Filtering: A Masked Targeted Topological Attack Perspective. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(12), 15206-15214.



AAAI Special Track on Safe and Robust AI