Effective Integration of Weighted Cost-to-Go and Conflict Heuristic within Suboptimal CBS


  • Rishi Veerapaneni Carnegie Mellon University
  • Tushar Kusnur Carnegie Mellon University
  • Maxim Likhachev Carnegie Mellon University




MAS: Multiagent Planning, ROB: Motion and Path Planning, ROB: Multi-Robot Systems, SO: Heuristic Search


Conflict-Based Search (CBS) is a popular multi-agent path finding (MAPF) solver that employs a low-level single agent planner and a high-level constraint tree to resolve conflicts. The vast majority of modern MAPF solvers focus on improving CBS by reducing the size of this tree through various strategies with few methods modifying the low level planner. Typically low level planners in existing CBS methods use an unweighted cost-to-go heuristic, with suboptimal CBS methods also using a conflict heuristic to help the high level search. In this paper, we show that, contrary to prevailing CBS beliefs, a weighted cost-to-go heuristic can be used effectively alongside the conflict heuristic in two possible variants. In particular, one of these variants can obtain large speedups, 2-100x, across several scenarios and suboptimal CBS methods. Importantly, we discover that performance is related not to the weighted cost-to-go heuristic but rather to the relative conflict heuristic weight's ability to effectively balance low-level and high-level work. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, we show the first theoretical relation of prioritized planning and bounded suboptimal CBS and demonstrate that our methods are their natural generalization.




How to Cite

Veerapaneni, R., Kusnur, T., & Likhachev, M. (2023). Effective Integration of Weighted Cost-to-Go and Conflict Heuristic within Suboptimal CBS. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(10), 11691-11698. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i10.26381



AAAI Technical Track on Multiagent Systems