Deep Attentive Model for Knowledge Tracing


  • Xinping Wang East China Normal University
  • Liangyu Chen East China Normal University
  • Min Zhang East China Normal University



ML: Applications


Knowledge Tracing (KT) is a crucial task in the field of online education, since it aims to predict students' performance on exercises based on their learning history. One typical solution for knowledge tracing is to combine the classic models in educational psychology, such as Item Response Theory (IRT) and Cognitive Diagnosis (CD), with Deep Neural Networks (DNN) technologies. In this solution, a student and related exercises are mapped into feature vectors based on the student's performance at the current time step, however, it does not consider the impact of historical behavior sequences, and the relationships between historical sequences and students. In this paper, we develop DAKTN, a novel model which assimilates the historical sequences to tackle this challenge for better knowledge tracing. To be specific, we apply a pooling layer to incorporate the student behavior sequence in the embedding layer. After that, we further design a local activation unit, which can adaptively calculate the representation vectors by taking the relevance of historical sequences into consideration with respect to candidate student and exercises. Through experimental results on three real-world datasets, DAKTN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models. We also present the reasonableness of DAKTN by ablation testing.




How to Cite

Wang, X., Chen, L., & Zhang, M. (2023). Deep Attentive Model for Knowledge Tracing. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(8), 10192-10199.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning III