LoNe Sampler: Graph Node Embeddings by Coordinated Local Neighborhood Sampling


  • Konstantin Kutzkov Teva Pharmaceuticals




ML: Graph-based Machine Learning, DMKM: Data Stream Mining, DMKM: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis & Community Mining, ML: Classification and Regression, ML: Dimensionality Reduction/Feature Selection, ML: Kernel Methods, ML: Other Foundations of Machine Learning, ML: Representation Learning, ML: Scalability of ML Systems


Local graph neighborhood sampling is a fundamental computational problem that is at the heart of algorithms for node representation learning. Several works have presented algorithms for learning discrete node embeddings where graph nodes are represented by discrete features such as attributes of neighborhood nodes. Discrete embeddings offer several advantages compared to continuous word2vec-like node embeddings: ease of computation, scalability, and interpretability. We present LoNe Sampler, a suite of algorithms for generating discrete node embeddings by Local Neighborhood Sampling, and address two shortcomings of previous work. First, our algorithms have rigorously understood theoretical properties. Second, we show how to generate approximate explicit vector maps that avoid the expensive computation of a Gram matrix for the training of a kernel model. Experiments on benchmark datasets confirm the theoretical findings and demonstrate the advantages of the proposed methods.




How to Cite

Kutzkov, K. (2023). LoNe Sampler: Graph Node Embeddings by Coordinated Local Neighborhood Sampling. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(7), 8413-8420. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i7.26014



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II