CF-ViT: A General Coarse-to-Fine Method for Vision Transformer


  • Mengzhao Chen MAC Lab, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Xiamen University
  • Mingbao Lin Tencent Youtu Lab
  • Ke Li Tencent Youtu Lab
  • Yunhang Shen Tencent Youtu Lab
  • Yongjian Wu Tencent Youtu Lab
  • Fei Chao MAC Lab, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Xiamen University
  • Rongrong Ji MAC Lab, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Xiamen University Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Xiamen University



ML: Deep Neural Architectures, ML: Deep Neural Network Algorithms


Vision Transformers (ViT) have made many breakthroughs in computer vision tasks. However, considerable redundancy arises in the spatial dimension of an input image, leading to massive computational costs. Therefore, We propose a coarse-to-fine vision transformer (CF-ViT) to relieve computational burden while retaining performance in this paper. Our proposed CF-ViT is motivated by two important observations in modern ViT models: (1) The coarse-grained patch splitting can locate informative regions of an input image. (2) Most images can be well recognized by a ViT model in a small-length token sequence. Therefore, our CF-ViT implements network inference in a two-stage manner. At coarse inference stage, an input image is split into a small-length patch sequence for a computationally economical classification. If not well recognized, the informative patches are identified and further re-split in a fine-grained granularity. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our CF-ViT. For example, without any compromise on performance, CF-ViT reduces 53% FLOPs of LV-ViT, and also achieves 2.01x throughput. Code of this project is at




How to Cite

Chen, M., Lin, M., Li, K., Shen, Y., Wu, Y., Chao, F., & Ji, R. (2023). CF-ViT: A General Coarse-to-Fine Method for Vision Transformer. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(6), 7042-7052.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning I