Scalable Theory-Driven Regularization of Scene Graph Generation Models


  • Davide Buffelli University of Padova
  • Efthymia Tsamoura Samsung AI



ML: Deep Neural Network Algorithms, CV: Scene Analysis & Understanding, CV: Visual Reasoning & Symbolic Representations, KRR: Common-Sense Reasoning, ML: Semi-Supervised Learning


Several techniques have recently aimed to improve the performance of deep learning models for Scene Graph Generation (SGG) by incorporating background knowledge. State-of-the-art techniques can be divided into two families: one where the background knowledge is incorporated into the model in a subsymbolic fashion, and another in which the background knowledge is maintained in symbolic form. Despite promising results, both families of techniques face several shortcomings: the first one requires ad-hoc, more complex neural architectures increasing the training or inference cost; the second one suffers from limited scalability w.r.t. the size of the background knowledge. Our work introduces a regularization technique for injecting symbolic background knowledge into neural SGG models that overcomes the limitations of prior art. Our technique is model-agnostic, does not incur any cost at inference time, and scales to previously unmanageable background knowledge sizes. We demonstrate that our technique can improve the accuracy of state-of-the-art SGG models, by up to 33%.




How to Cite

Buffelli, D., & Tsamoura, E. (2023). Scalable Theory-Driven Regularization of Scene Graph Generation Models. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(6), 6850-6859.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning I