Multi-Level Wavelet Mapping Correlation for Statistical Dependence Measurement: Methodology and Performance


  • Yixin Ren Fudan University
  • Hao Zhang Fudan University
  • Yewei Xia Fudan University
  • Jihong Guan Tongji University
  • Shuigeng Zhou Fudan University



KRR: Other Foundations of Knowledge Representation & Reasoning, RU: Other Foundations of Reasoning Under Uncertainty


We propose a new criterion for measuring dependence between two real variables, namely, Multi-level Wavelet Mapping Correlation (MWMC). MWMC can capture the nonlinear dependencies between variables by measuring their correlation under different levels of wavelet mappings. We show that the empirical estimate of MWMC converges exponentially to its population quantity. To support independence test better with MWMC, we further design a permutation test based on MWMC and prove that our test can not only control the type I error rate (the rate of false positives) well but also ensure that the type II error rate (the rate of false negatives) is upper bounded by O(1/n) (n is the sample size) with finite permutations. By extensive experiments on (conditional) independence tests and causal discovery, we show that our method outperforms existing independence test methods.




How to Cite

Ren, Y., Zhang, H., Xia, Y., Guan, J., & Zhou, S. (2023). Multi-Level Wavelet Mapping Correlation for Statistical Dependence Measurement: Methodology and Performance. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(5), 6499-6506.



AAAI Technical Track on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning