Graph Structure Learning on User Mobility Data for Social Relationship Inference


  • Guangming Qin Ocean University of China
  • Lexue Song Duke Kunshan University
  • Yanwei Yu Ocean University of China
  • Chao Huang University of Hong Kong
  • Wenzhe Jia Ocean University of China
  • Yuan Cao Ocean University of China
  • Junyu Dong Ocean University of China



DMKM: Mining of Spatial, Temporal or Spatio-Temporal Data


With the prevalence of smart mobile devices and location-based services, uncovering social relationships from human mobility data is of great value in real-world spatio-temporal applications ranging from friend recommendation, advertisement targeting to transportation scheduling. While a handful of sophisticated graph embedding techniques are developed for social relationship inference, they are significantly limited to the sparse and noisy nature of user mobility data, as they all ignore the essential problem of the existence of a large amount of noisy data unrelated to social activities in such mobility data. In this work, we present Social Relationship Inference Network (SRINet), a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) framework, to improve inference performance by learning to remove noisy data. Specifically, we first construct a multiplex user meeting graph to model the spatial-temporal interactions among users in different semantic contexts. Our proposed SRINet tactfully combines the representation learning ability of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) with the power of removing noisy edges of graph structure learning, which can learn effective user embeddings on the multiplex user meeting graph in a semi-supervised manner. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of SRINet against state-of-the-art techniques in inferring social relationships from user mobility data. The source code of our method is available at




How to Cite

Qin, G., Song, L., Yu, Y., Huang, C., Jia, W., Cao, Y., & Dong, J. (2023). Graph Structure Learning on User Mobility Data for Social Relationship Inference. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(4), 4578-4586.



AAAI Technical Track on Data Mining and Knowledge Management