Only a Few Classes Confusing: Pixel-Wise Candidate Labels Disambiguation for Foggy Scene Understanding


  • Liang Liao Nanyang Technological University
  • Wenyi Chen Wuhan University
  • Zhen Zhang Wuhan University
  • Jing Xiao Wuhan University
  • Yan Yang Wuhan University
  • Chia-Wen Lin National Tsing Hua University
  • Shin'ichi Satoh National Institute of Informatics



CV: Scene Analysis & Understanding, CV: Segmentation


Not all semantics become confusing when deploying a semantic segmentation model for real-world scene understanding of adverse weather. The true semantics of most pixels have a high likelihood of appearing in the few top classes according to confidence ranking. In this paper, we replace the one-hot pseudo label with a candidate label set (CLS) that consists of only a few ambiguous classes and exploit its effects on self-training-based unsupervised domain adaptation. Specifically, we formulate the problem as a coarse-to-fine process. In the coarse-level process, adaptive CLS selection is proposed to pick a minimal set of confusing candidate labels based on the reliability of label predictions. Then, representation learning and label rectification are iteratively performed to facilitate feature clustering in an embedding space and to disambiguate the confusing semantics. Experimentally, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on three realistic foggy benchmarks.




How to Cite

Liao, L., Chen, W., Zhang, Z., Xiao, J., Yang, Y., Lin, C.-W., & Satoh, S. (2023). Only a Few Classes Confusing: Pixel-Wise Candidate Labels Disambiguation for Foggy Scene Understanding. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 37(2), 1558-1567.



AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision II