Detecting Falls with Location Sensors and Accelerometers


  • Mitja Luštrek Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Hristijan Gjoreski Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Simon Kozina Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Božidara Cvetkovic Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Violeta Mirchevska Result d. o. o.
  • Matjaž Gams Jožef Stefan Institute



Due to the rapid aging of the population, many technical solutions for the care of the elderly are being developed, often involving fall detection with accelerometers. We present a novel approach to fall detection with location sensors. In our application, a user wears up to four tags on the body whose locations are detected with radio sensors. This makes it possible to recognize the user’s activity, including falling any lying afterwards, and the context in terms of the location in the apartment. We compared fall detection using location sensors, accelerometers and accelerometers combined with the context. A scenario consisting of events difficult to recognize as falls or non- falls was used for the comparison. The accuracy of the methods that utilized the context was almost 40 percentage points higher compared to the methods without the context. The accuracy of pure location-based methods was around 10 percentage points higher than the accuracy of accelerometers combined with the context.




How to Cite

Luštrek, M., Gjoreski, H., Kozina, S., Cvetkovic, B., Mirchevska, V., & Gams, M. (2011). Detecting Falls with Location Sensors and Accelerometers. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 25(2), 1662-1667.