Design Privacy with Analogia Graph


  • Yang Cai Carnegie Mellon University
  • Joseph Laws Carnegie Mellon University
  • Nathaniel Bauernfeind



Human vision is often guided by instinctual commonsense such as proportions and contours. In this paper, we explore how to use the proportion as the key knowledge for designing a privacy algorithm that detects human private parts in a 3D scan dataset. The Analogia Graph is introduced to study the proportion of structures. It is a graph-based representation of the proportion knowledge. The intrinsic human proportions are applied to reduce the search space by an order of magnitude. A feature shape template is constructed to match the model data points using Radial Basis Functions in a non-linear regression and the relative measurements of the height and area factors. The method is tested on 100 datasets from CAESAR database. Two surface rendering methods are studied for data privacy: blurring and transparency. It is found that test subjects normally prefer to have the most possible privacy in both rendering methods. However, the subjects adjusted their privacy measurement to a certain degree as they were informed the context of security.




How to Cite

Cai, Y., Laws, J., & Bauernfeind, N. (2010). Design Privacy with Analogia Graph. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 24(2), 1769-1774.