A-A*pex: Efficient Anytime Approximate Multi-Objective Search


  • Han Zhang University of Southern California
  • Oren Salzman Technion
  • Ariel Felner Ben-Gurion University
  • Carlos Hernández Ulloa Universidad San Sebastián Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial CENIA Centro Ciencia & Vida
  • Sven Koenig University of Southern California




In the multi-objective search problem, a typical task is to compute the Pareto frontier, i.e., the set of all undominated solutions. However, computing the entire Pareto frontier can be very time-consuming, and in practice, we often have limited deliberation time. Therefore, this paper focuses on solving the multi-objective search problem with anytime algorithms, which compute an initial approximate frontier quickly and then work to find more solutions until eventually finding the entire Pareto frontier. Existing work has investigated such anytime algorithms for problem instances with only two objectives. In this paper, we propose Anytime A*pex (A-A*pex), which works with any number of objectives. In each iteration of A-A*pex, it runs A*pex, a state-of-the-art approximate multi-objective search algorithm, to compute more solutions. From one iteration to the next, A-A*pex can either reuse its previous search effort or restart from scratch. Our experimental results show that an A-A*pex variant that mixes reusing its search effort and restarting from scratch yields the best runtime performance. We also show that A-A*pex often computes solutions that collectively approximate the Pareto frontier much better than the solutions found by state-of-the-art multi-objective search algorithms for short deliberation times.


