Language-Agnostic Modeling of Wikipedia Articles for Content Quality Assessment across Languages


  • Paramita Das Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
  • Isaac Johnson Wikimedia Foundation
  • Diego Saez-Trumper Wikimedia Foundation
  • Pablo Aragón Wikimedia Foundation



Wikipedia is the largest web repository of free knowledge. Volunteer editors devote time and effort to creating and expanding articles in more than 300 language editions. As content quality varies from article to article, editors also spend substantial time rating articles with specific criteria. However, keeping these assessments complete and up-to-date is largely impossible given the ever-changing nature of Wikipedia. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel computational framework for modeling the quality of Wikipedia articles. State-of-the-art approaches to model Wikipedia article quality have leveraged machine learning techniques with language-specific features. In contrast, our framework is based on language-agnostic structural features extracted from the articles, a set of universal weights, and a language version-specific normalization criterion. Therefore, we ensure that all language editions of Wikipedia can benefit from our framework, even those that do not have their own quality assessment scheme. Using this framework, we have built datasets with the feature values and quality scores of all revisions of all articles in the existing language versions of Wikipedia. We provide a descriptive analysis of these resources and a benchmark of our framework. In addition, we discuss possible downstream tasks to be addressed with these datasets, which are released for public use.




How to Cite

Das, P., Johnson, I., Saez-Trumper, D., & Aragón, P. (2024). Language-Agnostic Modeling of Wikipedia Articles for Content Quality Assessment across Languages. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 18(1), 1924-1934.