VaccinEU: COVID-19 Vaccine Conversations on Twitter in French, German and Italian


  • Marco Di Giovanni Politecnico di Milano Università di Bologna
  • Francesco Pierri Politecnico di Milano Indiana University Bloomington
  • Christopher Torres-Lugo Indiana University Bloomington
  • Marco Brambilla Politecnico di Milano



Measuring predictability of real world phenomena based on social media, e.g., spanning politics, finance, and health, Credibility of online content, Analysis of the relationship between social media and mainstream media, Social network analysis; communities identification; expertise and authority discovery


Despite the increasing limitations for unvaccinated people, in many European countries there is still a non-negligible fraction of individuals who refuse to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, undermining governmental efforts to eradicate the virus. We study the role of online social media in influencing individuals' opinion towards getting vaccinated by designing a large-scale collection of Twitter messages in three different languages -- French, German and Italian -- and providing public access to the data collected. Focusing on the European context, our VaccinEU dataset aims to help researchers to better understand the impact of online (mis)information about vaccines and design more accurate communication strategies to maximize vaccination coverage. Data can be fully accessed in a Dataverse repository and a GitHub repository.




How to Cite

Giovanni, M. D., Pierri, F., Torres-Lugo, C., & Brambilla, M. (2022). VaccinEU: COVID-19 Vaccine Conversations on Twitter in French, German and Italian. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 16(1), 1236-1244.