Discovering Relationships among Tags and Geotags


  • Sang Su Lee University of Southern California
  • Dongwoo Won University of Southern California
  • Dennis McLeod University of Southern California



This paper presents an analysis of the correlation of annotated information unit (textual) tags and geographical identification metadata geotags. In this paper, to make it possible for geotagging to be used in analysis with tagging, we prove that there is a strong correlation between tagging and geotagging information. Our approach uses tag similarity and newly employed geographical distribution similarity to determine inter-relationships among tags and geotags. From our initial experiments, we show that the power law is established between tag similarity and geographical distribution similarity; they are strongly correlated and the correlation can be used to find more relevant tags in the tag space. The power law, which is any polynomial relationship that exhibits the property of scale invariance, confirms that there is the relationship between tagging and geotagging and the relationship is scalable in size of tags and geotags.




How to Cite

Lee, S., Won, D., & McLeod, . D. (2021). Discovering Relationships among Tags and Geotags. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 2(1), 202-203.