On the Evolution of Wikipedia: Dynamics of Categories and Articles


  • Ramakrishna Bairi IIT Bombay
  • Mark Carman Monash University
  • Ganesh Ramakrishnan IIT Bombay




We present several statistics related to English Wikipedia category and article evolution between Wikipedia 2012 (Oct) and 2014 (Jun) instances. This includes analysis of categories, articles and links creation and deletion. We also present the distribution of Wikipedia articles over 14 broad topics and compare them across 2012 and 2014 Wikipedia. We provide several statistics of Wikipedia category graph. We demonstrate that Wikipedia category hierarchy can be treated as an is-a graph locally, but over longer paths it is no more an is-a graph.




How to Cite

Bairi, R., Carman, M., & Ramakrishnan, G. (2021). On the Evolution of Wikipedia: Dynamics of Categories and Articles. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 9(5), 6-10. https://doi.org/10.1609/icwsm.v9i5.14697