Evolutionary Clustering and Analysis of User Behaviour in Online Forums


  • Donn Morrison Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • Ian McLoughlin Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • Alice Hogan Digital Enterprise Research Institute
  • Conor Hayes Digital Enterprise Research Institute




evolutionary clustering, user behaviour, online forums, boards.ie


In this paper we cluster and analyse temporal user behaviour in online communities. We adapt a simple unsupervised clustering algorithm to an evolutionary setting where we cluster users into prototypical behavioural roles based on features derived from their ego-centric reply-graphs. We then analyse changes in the role membership of the users over time, the change in role composition of forums over time and examine the differences between forums in terms of role composition. We perform this analysis on 200 forums from a popular national bulletin board and 14 enterprise technical support forums.




How to Cite

Morrison, D., McLoughlin, I., Hogan, A., & Hayes, C. (2021). Evolutionary Clustering and Analysis of User Behaviour in Online Forums. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 6(1), 519-522. https://doi.org/10.1609/icwsm.v6i1.14314