Brazilian Digital Culture Forum: A New Way of Making Public Policies


  • Aline Carvalho Paris 8 University
  • Adilson Cabral Fluminense Federal University



This article discusses the Brazilian Digital Culture Forum, and the platform, created by the Ministry of Culture to bring together managers, researchers, designers and artists in the discussion and formulation of cultural policies for the country. The aim is to present it as "a new way of making public policy" insofar as it proposes a dialogue with society about the new challenges of the digital scene, using for this, a collaborative tool, comprising the role of social networks today. However, the creation of a Digital Culture Forum to discuss and manage public policies cannot be separated from a larger process by which the country passed since 2003, when the emergence of networks using new technologies found then in government an opening to the institutionalization and augmentation of ongoing experiments. What quest to present here is the concept of "digital culture" built by the Brazilian government in this period, and also the context that led to the existence of this Forum, as well as identifying some consequences of this “networks policy” in terms of civil society.




How to Cite

Carvalho, A., & Cabral, A. (2021). Brazilian Digital Culture Forum: A New Way of Making Public Policies. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 5(4), 6-12.