Face the Facts: Using Face Averaging to Visualize Gender-by-Race Bias in Facial Analysis Algorithms
We applied techniques from psychology --- typically used to visualize human bias --- to facial analysis systems, providing novel approaches for diagnosing and communicating algorithmic bias. First, we aggregated a diverse corpus of human facial images (N=1492) with self-identified gender and race. We tested four automated gender recognition (AGR) systems and found that some exhibited intersectional gender-by-race biases. Employing a technique developed by psychologists --- face averaging --- we created composite images to visualize these systems' outputs. For example, we visualized what an "average woman" looks like, according to a system's output. Second, we conducted two online experiments wherein participants judged the bias of hypothetical AGR systems. The first experiment involved participants (N=228) from a convenience sample. When depicting the same results in different formats, facial visualizations communicated bias to the same magnitude as statistics. In the second experiment with only Black participants (N=223), facial visualizations communicated bias significantly more than statistics, suggesting that face averages are meaningful for communicating algorithmic bias.Downloads
How to Cite
Owens, K., Freiburger, E., Hutchings, R., Sim, M., Hugenberg, K., Roesner, F., & Kohno, T. (2024). Face the Facts: Using Face Averaging to Visualize Gender-by-Race Bias in Facial Analysis Algorithms. Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 7(1), 1101-1111. https://doi.org/10.1609/aies.v7i1.31707
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