Improved Neural Machine Translation with SMT Features


  • Wei He Baidu Inc.
  • Zhongjun He Baidu Inc.
  • Hua Wu Baidu Inc.
  • Haifeng Wang Baidu Inc.



Neural Machine Translation, Statistical Machine Translation, Recurrent Neural Network


Neural machine translation (NMT) conducts end-to-end translation with a source language encoder and a target language decoder, making promising translation performance. However, as a newly emerged approach, the method has some limitations. An NMT system usually has to apply a vocabulary of certain size to avoid the time-consuming training and decoding, thus it causes a serious out-of-vocabulary problem. Furthermore, the decoder lacks a mechanism to guarantee all the source words to be translated and usually favors short translations, resulting in fluent but inadequate translations. In order to solve the above problems, we incorporate statistical machine translation (SMT) features, such as a translation model and an n-gram language model, with the NMT model under the log-linear framework. Our experiments show that the proposed method significantly improves the translation quality of the state-ofthe-art NMT system on Chinese-to-English translation tasks. Our method produces a gain of up to 2.33 BLEU score on NIST open test sets.




How to Cite

He, W., He, Z., Wu, H., & Wang, H. (2016). Improved Neural Machine Translation with SMT Features. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 30(1).