Approximate MaxEnt Inverse Optimal Control and Its Application for Mental Simulation of Human Interactions


  • De-An Huang Carnegie Mellon University
  • Amir-massoud Farahmand Carnegie Mellon University
  • Kris Kitani Carnegie Mellon University
  • James Bagnell Carnegie Mellon University



Maximum entropy inverse optimal control (MaxEnt IOC) is an effective means of discovering the underlying cost function of demonstrated human activity and can be used to predict human behavior over low-dimensional state spaces (i.e., forecasting of 2D trajectories). To enable inference in very large state spaces, we introduce an approximate MaxEnt IOC procedure to address the fundamental computational bottleneck stemming from calculating the partition function via dynamic programming. Approximate MaxEnt IOC is based on two components: approximate dynamic programming and Monte Carlo sampling. We analyze this approximation approach and provide a finite-sample error upper bound on its excess loss. We validate the proposed method in the context of analyzing dual-agent interactions from video, where we use approximate MaxEnt IOC to simulate mental images of a single agents body pose sequence (a high-dimensional image space). We experiment with sequences image data taken from RGB and RGBD data and show that it is possible to learn cost functions that lead to accurate predictions in high-dimensional problems that were previously intractable.




How to Cite

Huang, D.-A., Farahmand, A.- massoud, Kitani, K., & Bagnell, J. (2015). Approximate MaxEnt Inverse Optimal Control and Its Application for Mental Simulation of Human Interactions. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29(1).



Main Track: Novel Machine Learning Algorithms