Automated Analysis of Commitment Protocols Using Probabilistic Model Checking


  • Akın Günay Nanyang Technological University
  • Song Songzheng Nanyang Technological University
  • Yang Liu Nanyang Technological University
  • Jie Zhang Nanyang Technological University



commitments, verification, probabilistic model checking


Commitment protocols provide an effective formalism for the regulation of agent interaction. Although existing work mainly focus on the design-time development of static commitment protocols, recent studies propose methods to create them dynamically at run-time with respect to the goals of the agents. These methods require agents to verify new commitment protocols taking their goals, and beliefs about the other agents’ behavior into account. Accordingly, in this paper, we first propose a probabilistic model to formally capture commitment protocols according to agents’ beliefs. Secondly, we identify a set of important properties for the verification of a new commitment protocol from an agent’s perspective and formalize these properties in our model. Thirdly, we develop probabilistic model checking algorithms with advanced reduction for efficient verification of these properties. Finally, we implement these algorithms as a tool and evaluate the proposed properties over different commitment protocols.




How to Cite

Günay, A., Songzheng, S., Liu, Y., & Zhang, J. (2015). Automated Analysis of Commitment Protocols Using Probabilistic Model Checking. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29(1).



AAAI Technical Track: Multiagent Systems